Today’s show is all about taking a holistic approach to achieve balance and take back control of your life. Join us to learn more.
Zarya Rubin is a physician and functional medicine health coach. She is a formerly stressed-out mom who now helps women in mid-life get to the root of their health issues and manage their stress to take back control of their lives.
Show Highlights:
- What is stress?
- The relationship between stress, control, and our response to stressors
- The body’s primal response: fight, flight, or freeze
- Zarya explains her self-care graphic and gives factoids about stress
- How unmitigated stress often leads to burnout
- Personality traits that make you prone to burnout: being a workaholic, superhero, perfectionist, or lone ranger
- Common stressors in daily life are work, family, life events, health, finances, change/loss, and pandemic stress, which all of us have experienced in the last several months
- How stress CAN be a positive thing that motivates us to accomplish daily tasks
- How women can reduce stress levels by sharing with others and finding community
- Three types of stress: acute, episodic, and chronic
- The gut/brain connection and how stress affects it
- How to prevent stress, manage stress, and build resilience:
- Use stress-busting techniques.
- Take care of the basics.
- Use a checklist, speak up, and practice self-care.
- Practice breathing techniques, meditation, and mindfulness.
- What self-care is
- Types of rest: physical, mental, social, sensory, emotional, spiritual, and creative
- Zarya gives examples of breathing exercises and meditation that you can try at home
- Tips for good health habits for those with executive functioning impairments
Find out more about Zarya and her work, and find her FREE Guide to Becoming Stress-Proof:
Wild Lilac Wellness