We all love that coworker who is filled with positive energy that spills over to everyone they touch. Certain people have a knack for celebrating the wins of others, and even though we all might want to be that person, it takes a specific mindset that most of us lack. It’s an incredible benefit when this person ends up in the field of education, where they can spend their days impacting the lives of students in positive ways.
Amy Campbell is a friend and colleague in my school district. As the 2020 Washington State Teacher of the Year, she is clearly gifted and intense, but she has now become a public figure who is a fierce advocate for her special education students.
Show Highlights:
Find Amy on Facebook or Twitter (@the_mrscampbell)
Check Amy out on YouTube
Fostering Resilient Learners by Kristin Souers
The last few weeks I dove deep into creative projects including updating a whole bunch of new shirts in my Threadless store, creating 8 new youtube animation videos, launching a workbook and helping my son launch his new activity book, the Notebook of Mass Distraction: Boredom Busters for Busy Brains.
In this episode:
Jenelle Wooodlief's Self Care Revolution Community
These last few weeks have been super intense. For those of us who are sensitive, we’ve either wanted to escape into a hole to heal or dive deep into creative projects, which is what I’ve been doing. I hope you’ve found the things that help you cope best in this time of uncertainty. My guest today has wisdom and insights that can help!
AmyLee Westervelt, of Gratitude & Glamour, is a life and business coach for empaths and highly sensitive people. We connected through a mutual friend, and I’m excited to introduce you to her today.
Show Highlights:
Gratitude And Glamour Find AmyLee’s free ebook, The Empath Elixir
Find AmyLee Westervelt on Facebook
Visit The Unstoppable Empaths System for information on AmyLee’s new course, The Unstoppable Empath System
Find additional resources: Embracing Intensity Store and Embracing Intensity
This week on Embracing Intensity I discuss what I'm doing for self care in the chaos, and share some additional resources.
Gifted AND: A Story about Twice-Exceptionality - Animation of Colin Seale's story