
Embracing Intensity

Use your fire without getting burned.
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Embracing Intensity










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Now displaying: 2016
Dec 26, 2016

For the Intense woman, life can feel like a constant balancing act. They tend to be hyper aware of the demands of life that simply have to be done, and yet find themselves so caught up in other interests and ideals that responsibilities tend to fall by the wayside. Where is the balance? How can we get things done, without toning down our quirky, inquisitive natures? Is there a way to pursue passions while still being successful in business and life? 


This week, Aurora interviews Nikki Petersen, a Gifted writer, and coach who helps Intense Entrepreneurs embrace their quirky natures and use them to fuel their business. She knows the struggle of trying to balance an intense love of learning with the mundane tasks of everyday life. By bringing awareness to her own personal brand of Intensity, she was able to embrace her nature and fuel her desire to help others. Join Aurora as she and Nikki dive into the inquisitive nature of the Gifted, and see how you too can embrace your personal brand of intensity to bring much-needed balance into your own life. 


In this week’s episode:


  • Hear how Nikki helps clients identify the strength in their own quirky intensity and turns it into strengths for their business. 
  • See how Nikki learned to balance her love of learning many different subjects during school. 
  • Discover the balance of staying true to yourself while still “reading your audience.” 
  • Learn why Awareness is Nikki’s favorite word, and how it shaped her own life. 
  • Embrace the ability to prioritize needs in spite of a world of confusing wants. 
  • See how Nikki keeps up with her intensity using organizational habits and, you guessed it, Awareness! 
  • Look for Nikki’s New Book, The Intense Entrepreneur!



Nikki Recommends 


Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges by Amy Cuddy

The Introvert Entrepreneur by Beth Buelow  

The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

Simpleology by Mark Joyner


Links and Resources


Nikki’s Website:


Link to Nikki’s Blog Post, “Debrowski’s Sweater:”


Connect with Nikki 

The Intense Entrepreneur – on Facebook 

@2xExponential – on Twitter


Join the League of Excitable Women on Facebook


Aurora’s Website


Power Zone Toolkit 


Dec 19, 2016

Feeling like you’ve lost your light? Is your default answer to life’s simplest questions, “I don’t know?” Melissa Opie, this week’s guest on “Embracing Intensity” can relate. Melissa has made it her life’s mission to encourage women as a life coach (or, as she likes to put it, Life Architect). After struggling with toning herself down as a child, and then sacrificing her self-confidence as an adult to “Play the Game” of life, Melissa has found a place where she can fully embrace her intense self, and accept that no one has life figured out.

Aurora joins Melissa as she describes the habits and inspirations that have taken her from Quarter Life Crisis, to business owner and CEO. Get ready to re-energize your mindset. 


See how Melissa has embraced her intensity on this week’s episode!


  • Learn how to stop putting yourself last, and say “yes” to yourself instead.
  • Are you struggling with insecurities? Melissa has some inspiration for you!
  • Walk with Melissa through her Quarter Life Crisis 
  • Find out how to change your answer from “I don’t know” to “Yes, I actually do know.” 
  • Uncover Melissa’s healthy habits for a self-secure life. 
  • What’s your “Thing?” Melissa explains how she found her own Thing and it transformed her life!
  • Change your Mindset, change your life. 
  • Discover what a Life Coach can do for you.


Melissa Recommends

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying by Marie Kondo 



Melissa’s Website


Join the League of Excitable Women on Facebook


Aurora’s Website


Power Zone Toolkit


Dec 12, 2016

Attention Gifted and Intensely Intelligent listeners! If you feel like no one has ever understood you or has compassion towards your experience with giftedness, then this episode is for you. This week, you have a friend among you.


Meet Jennifer Harvey Sallin. Jennifer is gifted in both intellect and empathy, intensely passionate about finding ways to encourage and grow gifted adults, and uniquely able to shed some light on what the gifted experience is like. Aurora and Jennifer spend some time covering everything from experiences in church, to fostering a gifted spirit in their youth, to the ways that human cognition can both hinder and help our work and personal life. Jennifer gets it.


Listen to “Embracing Intensity” this week as Aurora and Jennifer discuss: 

  • The ways Jennifer learned to live well with her own mind. 
  • How music and other creative outlets play into intellectual intensity. 
  • Why panic and other emotional disorders are linked to the Gifted Adult experience. 
  • Creating an identity as a Gifted individual, and how that can change everything. 
  • Ways to adjust your life to embrace Giftedness, from career shifts to relational moves. 
  • Opportunities to connect to other Gifted adults through Intergifted and other online forums. 
  • What it means to be a “Meta-Thinker,” “Skip Thinker,” and “Linear Thinker.” 



Join the League of Excitable Women on Facebook


Jennifer’s Coaching Website


The Intergifted Community Website


Aurora’s Website


Power Zone Toolkit 


Dec 5, 2016

Ever get the feeling like your brain has too many tabs open? The world and everything in it holds such a thrill for you, and yet with so much excitement there comes a bit of exhaustion and confusion? If that rings true for you, then you have much in common with this week’s guest on “Embracing Intensity.” Meet Gwen Montoya, a single mom with a mind for marketing and a mission for helping women in business succeed. 

Aurora and Gwen spend some time mulling over what it means to be intensely interested in the world as a whole. How can someone harness that passion? How about harnessing it for other people? Listen in this week as Gwen shares her heart and insight so you can learn to embrace your inner fire. 


  • Find out how a homeschooling mom working from home turned her passion for marketing into a thriving business. 
  • Hear how Gwen’s passion for research plays into her personal brand of intensity. 
  • How does going to the gym have anything to do with mental intensity? Listen to find out!
  • Discover how nurturing her family’s brand of intensity allowed Gwen to encourage her own. 
  • Are you Type A on the inside, and Type B on the inside? Then Gwen has some encouragement for you. 
  • Hear about Gwen’s love of the musical Hamilton, and how it translates to her identity as a Geek of Everything. 
  • Learn about Gwen’s role in developing businesswomen in marketing their businesses in a way that fuels their passion. 
  • Discover the MOB Northwest and the deep community moms in business can find together.  




Gwen’s Website


Find Gwen on Facebook


Join the League of Excitable Women on Facebook


Aurora’s Website


Power Zone Toolkit


Nov 28, 2016

As a child, were you deemed over-sensitive, dramatic, or over-emotional? Are you a deep thinker, intellectual, or intense creative? Perhaps that just means you are gifted. Join Aurora in this week’s “Embracing Intensity” as she interviews Paula Prober, an expert on the gifted population. Paula has journeyed through many disciplines from education to counseling and now to writing. Her interdisciplinary wisdom has led to a fascinating and enlightening perspective on the mind of a gifted individual. The gifted are often intense and excitable. Paula’s mission is to show the world just how true that is, and just how the gifted adult can seek healing and live life to the fullest.  

Inside this week’s episode: 

  • Find out if you could be “gifted”
  • Learn how to apply Paula’s analogy of the Rainforest Mind
  • Find out how to discover ways to connect with your body and hone your wonderful giftedness
  • What does the Argentine Tango have to do with giftedness? Listen to find out! 
  • Learn strategies Paula suggests for taking care of yourself.
  • Discover the Healing Arts, and the key to finding a good therapist.
  • Hear how Paula changed her voice, and why it mattered so much to her! 
  • Uncover how writing, meditating, seeking therapy, and SLEEP can help you embrace your fully gifted life.



Paula’s Blog: Your Rainforest Mind

Your Rainforest Mind: A Guide to the Well-Being of Gifted Adults and Youth by Paula Prober


Nov 21, 2016

Meet Leela Sinha; she wants to transform the way you talk about Intensity. A savvy, joy-seeking, transformation-loving, Intensive Person, Leela literally wrote the book on what it means to Embrace Intensity. After realizing that she was not “too much,” but rather exceptionally intensive, Leela made it her mission, work, and ministry to gather up the voices and experiences of others to write her new book You’re Not Too Much. Now, she is here to share her passion, wisdom, and excellent advice for all of us Excitable women to stop suppressing our authentic selves, and start living life fully. 


Leela created a language that she could use to describe her experiences to other. Now, let her challenge and transform your own thinking about Intensity in this week’s podcast!


  • Hear how Leela was inspired to write her book because of her inability to describe her own intensity. 
  • See how the general attitude towards intensity is turning away from a negative light to a positive light. 
  • Find out the ways that a strong online community fed and encouraged Leela’s ideas
  • Discover the difference between an Intensive person and an Expansive person
  • Join Leela and Aurora as they discuss their experiences being intensives in an expansive world. 
  • Learn about Leela’s Ten Point Intensive scale, and where you might fall. 
  • Know the importance of seeking out other Intensives
  • Leela shares how being an Intensive can affect your work life, personal life, and spiritual life. 
  • What is the affect of the 2 point gap? Listen to find out. 
  • Find out if you are a repressed Intensive. 
  • Hear how Leela’s book, online coaching, and resources can unlock your true potential as a wildly passionate Intensive Person. 
  • Learn how to tailor your life in an Expansive world to your Intensive personality.



Support this Podcast by buying books off of Aurora’s Amazon Booklist


Join the League of Excitable Women on Facebook


Leela’s Website: for Coaching Services and Speaking Engagements


Join the Conversation about Intensives at Leela’s Site


Aurora’s Website


Power Zone Toolkit 


Leela Recommends


Read Leela’s Incredible book

You’re Not Too Much: Intensive Lives in an Expansive World 




Nov 14, 2016

Would you consider yourself the “Creative Type?” Does life seem to be barely within your control? Do you ever find yourself toning down your big, grand ideas for the sake of appearance and opinion? If so, you might be like this week’s guest on “Embracing Intensity. Join Aurora as she interviews Katherine North. 

Katherine is a life coach, writer, and mother on a mission to lead women out of the creative storm of clutter and into a more beautiful, more authentic life. Her coaching allows women to stop stifling their joy, and embrace the things they truly love. Tune in to hear about Katherine’s journey across oceans and disciplines as she explains what it means to declare dominion over this beautiful life. 

Listen in as Aurora and Katherine discuss: 

  • Katherine’s journey from toned down and timid, to creatively big and epically badass. 
  • Discover how Katherine figured out how to live life in the “ethereal realm”
  • How to engage with your creativity, and let it be as big as you want it to be 
  • Find out what it takes to be a Heathen Mystic 
  • Uncover the magic of “morning pages” 
  • Find out how you can be a part of the next Queen Sweep for a more beautiful home
  • Get connected to Katherine’s weekly blog with tips and tricks for intense, sensitive, and creative women 
  • Learn the two requirements for being an EFBA 


Join the Embracing Intensity Community

Katherine’s Website

Katherine’s Book Practical Magic for Secret Mystics  

Aurora’s Website

Power Zone Toolkit   

Katherine Recommends

Parenting Without Power Struggles by Susan Stiffelman 

Steering by Starlightby Dr. Martha Beck


Nov 7, 2016

What is intimacy? How can you use your own intensity to create a community of intimacy that is more than just physical? In this week’s Embracing Intensity podcast, Aurora interviews Sophia Treyger, a sex and intimacy coach on a mission to create positive connections wherever she goes.  Sophia’s mission is to encourage couples to be comfortable within their own stories, and to create a positive narrative that embraces their inner power. Sophia takes Aurora through how intimacy and intensity can cross the boundaries between body, mind, and spirit, and give you tools and resources to deepen the connections with the people in your own life.


Join Aurora and Sophia as they dive deep into intense intimacy.

  • Learn Sophia’s deconstructed definition of “Intimacy,” and how it’s about more than just sex.
  • Transform what you’ve been taught about forced independence and gain a new understanding of true community.
  • Find out how Sophia went from “toned down” therapist to fully empowered Intimacy Coach.
  • Discover Sophia’s definition of what a Coach can truly be.
  • Are you sometimes labeled as “Pushy?” Find out Sophia’s solution to unwanted labels.
  • Find out the ways Intensity plays into dating and relationships.
  • Sophia shares ways to channel extra energy/unwanted anger to heal your mind, body, and spirit.
  • See how you can harness the power of intensity through meditation.
  • What is a Morning Routine? Discover how it transformed Sophia’s life

Sophia Recommends

The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and Toks K. Oyegunle

Wild Money by Luna Jaffe



Join the League of Excitable Women on Facebook


Sophia’s Website


Join The Intimacy Support Circle on Fabebook


Aurora’s Website


Power Zone Toolkit

Oct 31, 2016

Do you feel like life is an impossible balancing act? The world comes at us on many levels—spiritual, physical, mental, emotional— and for the Intense Person, that can mean a lifetime of struggle. Or does it have to be? This week, Aurora has a chat with JJ Flizanes, a self-proclaimed Empowerment Strategist who has found a way to shift her life into balance. JJ describes herself as an intense personality and was always a Why Child. Her curiosity fuels her passion for Astrology, Health and Wellness, and an overall deep understanding of the world around her. JJ is the host of her own 6 day a week Podcast, where she shares her considerable knowledge on overall wellness in more than just the physical. 


Dive into this week’s episode of “Embracing Intensity” to:

  • See how JJ’s three missions: truth, freedom, and fun all incorporate into wellness. 
  • Uncover how your passions can align with your interests, and how you can hone that power. 
  • Learn the difference between negative and positive intensity
  • Discover how intensity played into JJ’s need for sisterly connection. 
  • Learn how to stop the grind and embrace inspiration instead. 
  • Hear as JJ shares advice on how to identify the source of your intensity. 
  • Learn how to prevent yourself from relying on the rational, and live life in balance. 
  • Demystify “Non Violent Communication,” and see how it transformed JJ’s life. 
  • Experience validation from within, rather than relying on external validation to get by. 
  • Play the Gratitude Game, and watch your world transform around you. 


JJ Recommends 

Writing by Marshall Rosenberg on Non-Violent Communication



JJ’s Website


Fit2Love Podcast


Join the League of Excitable Women on Facebook


Aurora’s Website


Power Zone Toolkit


Oct 24, 2016

Do you know what your body is trying to tell you? Are you trying to keep up healthy habits, but finding them to be more draining than helpful? As an Excitable Person, those signals can sometimes seem misleading. It that’s you, then listen in to this week’s episode of “Embracing Intensity,” where Aurora interviews Melanie Brown, a registered natural health practitioner and Highly Sensitive Person. Mely spent years suffering from chronic conditions that only got worse as time went on. It was not until Mely discovered she was Highly Sensitive that these conditions became to make sense, and she could finally heal. 


Aurora and Mely dive deep into her transformative embrace of sensitivity: 


  • Get tips and wisdom about how to tailor healthy lifestyle habits to the Highly Sensitive mind. 
  • Mely tended to put other’s needs before her own. Discover how the broke the cycle, and how you can too. 
  • Find out what the power of a positive environment really is for the HSP.
  • Learn from Mely’s story as she describes her path to becoming a natural health care practitioner. 
  • Find your Flow: Mely explains some of the best parts of being Highly Sensitive, and how that transformed her healthy lifestyle. 
  • Gain insight on how to ground your energy and harness the power that is already there.
  • Learn how Mely harnessed her understanding of HSP, and used that wisdom to help others, and you! 
  • Find out how to get an amazing free eBook. Aurora calls it one of the most comprehensive freebies she’s ever seen! 


Mely Recommends 

The Highly Sensitive Person by Elaine Aron 




Mely’s Website

*Sign up for your free eBook here!


Join the League of Excitable Women on Facebook


Aurora’s Website


Power Zone Toolkit


Oct 19, 2016

How do you escape “the Void?” Do you numb yourself to it with distractions and addictions, or do you stare over the edge brave and unafraid? Wendy Holthaus, this week’s guest on “Embracing Intensity,” has spent much of her life trying to drown out the terror of the void. Clinging to relationships, addictions, and her own insecurities, Wendy realized that much of what she was missing was her own sense of self-assuredness. Listen to hear Wendy’s inspiring story, and find out how she, through her own self-exploration in Excitability, is now helping many women ditch codependency and addiction, and live fulfilled in their own inner strength. 


Join Aurora and Wendy as they discuss: 

  • Wendy’s own personal journey, growing up as “a square peg in a round peg family.” 
  • Learn how Wendy went from feeling like it was wrong to be highly sensitive, to understanding and harnessing her own intensity. 
  • See how Wendy learned to appreciate her excitability, and how you can learn to appreciate your own unique brand too. 
  • Know the ways we so easily try to fill the void and numb ourselves from excitement. 
  • Obtain your copy of the Brave Girl Manifesto, and get Wendy’s advice for women struggling to take back and take over responsibility for their own choices. 
  • Join Wendy and her crusade for “Kick Ass Recovery.” 



Join the League of Excitable Women on Facebook

Wendy’s Website

Aurora’s Website

Power Zone Toolkit


Wendy Recommends 

The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson 


Oct 18, 2016

Are you an Approval Addict? How about a Gold Star Chaser? For so many Excitable People, it can be exhausting and unfulfilling simply living life under the shadow of the approval of others. If that sounds like you, listen in to the latest installment of “Embracing Intensity.” This week, Aurora interviews her mentor Amy Pearson about her own struggles as an Approval Addict. Amy is a life coach, mother, and deep believer in helping women come into their own authenticity. In this episode, she dives deep into what it means to live free from approval, and gives you the tools and opportunity to be who you truly are! 


Join Aurora and Amy to experience all that Episode 1 has to offer: 

  • Amy shares how she journeyed from people pleaser to fearlessly fulfilled.
  • Discover what it means to be an Approval Addict, and how to break the cycle.
  • It is time to drop the façade of likability, and start embracing that inner fire. Find out how!
  • Learn how to channel your intensity instead of pursuing affirmation from others. 
  • Moms really do know best—learn what wisdom Amy embraced to change the course of her life. 
  • Unlock what it means to Amy and Aurora to unearth your own authenticity. 
  • Amy describes what it means to find her Tribe, and discover how you can find your Tribe too. 
  • Check out your Approval Personality with Amy’s specially designed quiz.



Join the League of Excitable Women on Facebook


Amy’s Website


Approval Personality Quiz


Aurora’s Website


Power Zone Toolkit


Oct 18, 2016

Have you ever felt like you’re “too much?” Too intense? Too consumed by whatever life has in store, that you cannot ever feel fulfilled? Aurora Remember Holtzman has news: you are not too much. Perhaps you simply haven’t embraced your naturally excitable self? In “Embracing Intensity,” Aurora will take everything you think you know about what it means to be intense and excitable, and show you how intensity is not a weakness but a hidden power. Each week, Aurora will interview a strong, creative, and sensitive woman who embodies what it means to embrace intensity in order to show you how to embrace your life in its fullest. Listen to unlock ways to unleash your inner fire— without getting burned!


 In the first installment of Embracing Intensity, Aurora interviews herself to bring to highlight how her own misconceptions about Excitable People became some of her greatest strengths. 


  • Aurora captures you instantly with her personal and poignant struggle with feeling like she’s “too much,” and how the revelation of being an Excitable Person changed her life for the better.
  • Find out some of the most common misconceptions you might have about being an Excitable Person.
  • Find out Aurora’s single best piece of advice for Excitable People. 
  • Discover the 5 Types of Excitable people, and which types you might be.  
  • Find out how you can help yourself regain control over your own passion and intensity. 
  • Learn the S.T.A.R. method, and other resources for non-violent discourse. 
  • Stories and tips about embracing who you are, and living a satisfied life
  • See how to get your free 7 Day Power Zone Toolkit.

You can access the full show notes and all the links and resources at