The Gifted community is filled with a diverse collection of beautiful individuals making their mark on the world as no one else can. In an effort to showcase the cultural diversity as well as the neurodiversity within Gifted and Intense individuals, I came across Silver Huang, a self-proclaimed “Neuromaverick” who is working tirelessly to make the Gifted community aware and inclusive. Silver has been hard at work to embrace the very core of who she is, and is just now emerging from within her own personal revolution. For anyone who has ever felt atypical, out of place, or even out of touch with who they really are, Silver has a message for you!
Raised in Singapore, and educated in Australia, Silver has never really felt like she belonged. Her culture told her she was too much. Her inability to perform in school told her she was dumb. With all of these mixed messages, it’s no wonder her body and mind shut down on her! To complicate the narrative even further, Silver had no idea she was on the Autism spectrum until just a few years ago. Her Gifted assessment is even newer, occurring within just these past months. These two acknowledgments of her own neurodiversity seemed to open up the floodgates of self-realization. Silver doggedly pursued ways that she could embrace who she was inside. She took her identity as Gifted very seriously, and now she is building a community around her ideals of integrity and authenticity. Her mission is to support any individual who has felt out of step
Listen this week as Silver shares her amazing journey towards self-love. Whether you are loving yourself right now, or simply coming to terms with your own intensity, Silver’s insights will speak right to your core. No one can stop you from being you except you. Your healing can begin right now.
More in this episode:
Silver Recommends
The Complex PTSD Workbook by Arielle Schwartz
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