Have you ever lived your life as a series of chapters, without realizing the connection and what you were meant to be doing? Are you reaching to try to find your calling, only to realize that you are burned up and out of traction? Your search for purpose and calling is a passionate one, and this week, Aurora has a guest who is going to help you live your life loving what you do and who you are!
Also in this week’s episode:
Selena Recommends
You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay
The Desire Map by Daniele DePorte
Find the Love You More Project Online
Reach out to Selena (She likes to talk!)
Aurora's Website:
League of Excitable Women:
Harness Your Power Challenge:
Is being a parent everything you expected? With Aurora's background and skills in education and behavior supports, you'd think she'd be much more prepared for parenting than she was.
Parenting always brings surprises, but parenting an intense child as an intense parent adds additional challenges - especially as a single parent most of the time.
In this episode:
League of Excitable Women
Find Your Superpower
Impossible. The world seems to throw this word at you a lot, doesn’t it? For Intense, Exceptional, Gifted, and Intuitive people, our greatest strengths are often viewed as weaknesses and disabilities. When the world tries to label your dreams impossible, what can you do to harness your fire and show the world who’s boss? Wouldn’t you like to know there’s someone who has walked that hard road before, and come out the other end burning brighter than before?
Dr. Melanie Hayes is the founder of Big Minds Unschool, a program that allows Twice Exceptional students to thrive in their own unique gifts. Melanie is also Twice Exceptional, and she knows what it is like to be a bright fire in a world that feels too small for her. After growing up with “impossible” dreams, Melanie learned to make her vision a reality. Now she is using her fire through coaching and Big Minds to change the world. This week, she will share her stories of growing up, success through unconventionality, and wisdom to inspire you to take the word “impossible” and transform it into a force of good.
Also in this episode:
Melanie Recommends
Life After Life by Kate Atkinson
A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman
Melanie’s Website
Find Melanie’s Book on Amazon!
Join the League of Excitable Women
Sign up for the Free Find Your Superpower Course
Were you the black sheep of the family or from a family of black sheep? So many intense and creative people grow up feeling like few people "get them." Aurora was fortunate to have a whole family who mostly understood her.
In this week's episode she shares lessons learned on how to survive and thrive in an intense family, including:
League of Excitable Women
Find Your Superpower
Embracing Intensity Unconference